
Cornyn: Additional NRSC help for O’Donnell unlikely

Jeff Winkler Contributor
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Christine O’Donnell said she would close the gap in the Delaware Senate race if national Republicans would give her additional support, but that type of help is not going to come, according to NRSC Chairman John Cornyn.

“It absolutely would make a difference,” said O’Donnell on ABC’s “Good Morning America,” when asked if help from national Republicans would boost her chances to defeat Democrat Chris Coons in the race for the open seat. Coons currently enjoys a double digit lead and the race is not widely regarded as competitive at this point.

Cornyn, appearing on MSNBC, said that it is possible that O’Donnell will be swept into office by a major Republican wave but indicated that the NRSC believes its money is better spent on tighter races across the country.

“This is going to [be] a wave election,” Cornyn said. “I just don’t know how high that wave is going to be.”

The Texas Republican added that the GOP was behind O’Donnell and had already contributed to her campaign. He wished O’Donnell well but stressed that the NRSC’s resources are needed elsewhere.

Cornyn also suggested that perhaps O’Donnell was a bit too green for the party saying she is “new to the kind of scrutiny that she’s getting, and it’s tough.”