
Gwyneth Paltrow Is Fed Up With Mean Internet Commenters

Rachel Stoltzfoos Staff Reporter
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Gwyneth Paltrow, the recently “consciously uncoupled” actress people love to hate, hopes we can all stop being mean on the Internet, and compared dealing with Internet comments to fighting a literal war in an interview Tuesday.

You come across [online comments] about yourself and about your friends, and it’s a very dehumanizing thing,” she told re/code. It’s almost like how, in war, you go through this bloody, dehumanizing thing, and then something is defined out of it. My hope is, as we get out of it, we’ll reach the next level of conscience.”

Paltrow has definitely been unfairly criticized for being out of touch and pretentious, which we will all realize when we reach her level of conscience.

And she’s hopeful this year could be the year Internet trolls finally learn to self-regulate:

“We’re in this very adolescent phase. It’s dangerous, [because] we lack the capacity to say, ‘Why does this matter to me, and who am I in this?’ ‘Why am I having opinions about Angelina Jolie’s operation?’ ‘What is unhealed in me?’ ‘Why am I using the Internet to do this?’”

Paltrow made the remarks ahead of a surprise appearance at the Code Conference (exactly what you’d think), reports re/code, to promote her lifestyle brand, Goop, which is a way for regular folk to get a glimpse of her perfect and fabulous life and then try to emulate it.

(h/t Celebitchy)

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