This NYC Slugfest Is The Craziest Fight You’ve Ever Seen Go Down In A Beauty Parlor [VIDEO]


Christian Datoc Senior White House Correspondent
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Video surfaced Sunday of two women beating the ever living daylights out of each other at a beauty shop in New York City.

WATCH (NSFW Language/Content):

There isn’t a whole lot of context behind the 1 minute and 17 second long clip, but WorldStar HipHop commenters were quick to fill in the gaps with some on-the-ground investigating.

“Dis was in da Bronx on white plains Rd [sic],” noted “RatedUnknownHellz,” who also claimed she “saw this live shit was unreal [sic].”

There are also a number of theories on what actually started the fight.

“Soyhiphop” argued the two women were probably “fighting for the last piece of hair weave,” yet “SumthingLikeaMovie” claimed “that’s what happens when cook in a Jamaican house hold burns the dumplings.”

No matter what really sparked the violence, we can all agree with “punchberry” that this video is an example of “NY taking another L.”

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