
Can Someone Give This Woman And Her Emu A Show Please?


Kay Smythe News and Commentary Writer
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Have you met Emmanuel yet? He’s the emu taking the internet by storm.

The clip of a young female farmer and her emu was shared online Friday, and has racked up more than 19 million views. Emmanuel the emu is a resident of Knuckle Bump Farms in South Florida, according to TMZ, and he simply has to be seen to be believed.

However, it would appear that Emmanuel has inspired other emus, and even other species, at Knuckle Bump to try and get their fifteen minutes, as seen in subsequent videos shared online. Other videos in the now-lengthy thread show the young farmer cuddling with Emmanuel, something they do every morning. (RELATED: Bad-A** Cat Gets Shot By Arrow, Believed To Have Taken Arrow Out By Himself)

In a world of misery and daily forecasts of the apocalypse, Emmanuel and his young farmer friend at Knuckle Bump were exactly what Twitter needed to calm the heck down. I’m not surprised the clip has become such a viral sensation; it’s heart-warming, funny, and harmless … except for the part where the camera falls over.

I don’t know what’s more adorable, all of the wildlife vying for their moment in the spotlight, or their farming mama. My favorite new clip is the one of her having a frank conversation with her cows.