
Person In Easter Bunny Costume Throws Punches During Wild Fight Caught On Video

Easter Bunny Fight (Credit: Screenshot/Twitter Video https://twitter.com/bustedcoverage/status/1120299102070288387)

David Hookstead Sports And Entertainment Editor
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A person dressed up as the Easter bunny threw some haymakers during a fight captured on film.

Busted Coverage shared the bizarre video Monday morning on Twitter, and it’s almost comical. The guy in the costume is just unloading on what appears to be two guys, who might also have been fighting each other. (SLIDESHOW: These Women On Instagram Hate Wearing Clothes)

It’s pretty hard to tell who is on who’s side, and the whole thing is just outrageous. Watch the video below. (SLIDESHOW: 142 Times Josephine Skriver Barely Wore Anything)

Seriously, what the hell was that fight all about? First off, you’ve probably made some mistakes in life if you’re dressed up as the Easter bunny out on the streets. (SLIDESHOW: 71 Times Samantha Hoopes Stripped Down)

If you’re an adult in costume for just about any reason, I suggest you re-evaluate the decisions you’re making in life. (SLIDESHOW: This Blonde Bombshell Might Be The Hottest Model On The Internet)

Secondly, how dumb do you have to be to be a full grown adult and getting into street brawls. That requires some next level stupidity. (SLIDESHOW: 60 Times Abigail Ratchford Wore Almost Nothing)

You know what you should do during a night out on the town. Drink some beers and relax. Getting into brawls while in costume shouldn’t be near the top of anybody’s list.

It’s time for everybody involved in this situation to take a hard look in the mirror and recognize they’re probably not the sharpest tools in the shed.