
Coronavirus Sign In Tuscaloosa, Alabama Tells People To Stay Away From Each Other Like They Stay Away From LSU Fans

(Photo by Todd Kirkland/Getty Images)

David Hookstead Sports And Entertainment Editor
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An incredible sign is being used in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, to encourage proper social distancing during the coronavirus pandemic.

A sign tweeted by Jim Rainey reads, “6 feet, like how far you would stand from an LSU fan.” In case you think I’m kidding, I can promise you that I’m not. It’s a very real sign, and it’s being used to help people stay safe during this time. (RELATED: David Hookstead Is The True King In The North When It Comes To College Football)

You can go ahead and inject this kind of energy right into my veins. You can shoot it up into me because this is awesome.

During the coronavirus pandemic, we need every single reason we can find to have fun and laugh. Football rivalries provide us that during good and bad times.


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People in Alabama going for the jugular of LSU during these tough times is just a reminder that we’re all doing what we can to keep our spirits high.

If you can’t still trash your rivals during a pandemic, then what are we fighting this war against coronavirus for?


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We’re fighting this war to maintain the American spirit and our way of life. Our way of life is built around college football, and that includes talking trash.

Plus, Alabama has a score to settle with LSU after losing to them in 2019. If there’s any fanbase in America that wants a shot at the Tigers in 2020, it’s the Alabama Crimson Tide.

Either way, this was incredibly funny!