
Basketball Player Proposes During Game Of 1-On-1

Alex Johnson (Credit: Screenshot/Twitter Video https://twitter.com/SportsCenter/status/1361733662790811648)

David Hookstead Sports And Entertainment Editor
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Basketball player Alex Johnson pulled off a heartwarming proposal in a video making the rounds on Twitter.

In a video tweeted by SportsCenter, Johnson is playing one-on-one with his girlfriend Brey when he dropped to the ground appearing to be hurt. (RELATED: David Hookstead Is The True King In The North When It Comes To College Football)

However, things weren’t as they appeared! He pulled out a ring and popped the question. Watch the awesome moment, which is from 2015, below.

How has nobody ever seen this video in the past 5.5+ years? How did nobody know this existed until it was tweeted Tuesday?

I generally hate creative proposals, but this one was pretty great. Any time you can combine weddings and basketball, you have to do it.

It’s the same with football and weddings. If you have the chance to throw a football around at a wedding and don’t do it, then you’re just not living right.


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Again, I hate gimmicks. I think they’re way overdone. However, if you’re going to do one, then you might as well involve sports.

I don’t hate this one at all.

P.S.: I’m a huge wedding guy. Nothing better than a few cold beers with the boys while taking a walk down memory lane. I’ll never say no to that!