
Fans Get Into A Huge Brawl During UFC 262

UFC Fight (Credit: Screenshot/Twitter Video https://twitter.com/aschilinski/status/1393737131105914882)

David Hookstead Sports And Entertainment Editor
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Some fans attending UFC 262 got into a huge fight Saturday night.

In a video tweeted by @aschilinski, fans decided it was a great idea to brawl in the stands during the hyped UFC event. (SLIDESHOW: These Women On Instagram Hate Wearing Clothes)

Watch the carnage unfold below. (SLIDESHOW: 142 Times Josephine Skriver Barely Wore Anything)

As I’ve said many times before, I’ll never understand why idiots behave this way. I don’t get it at all. (SLIDESHOW: 71 Times Samantha Hoopes Stripped Down)

Imagine spending your hard earned money to attend a huge UFC event, and then deciding that fighting is your best course of action. (SLIDESHOW: This Blonde Bombshell Might Be The Hottest Model On The Internet)

I mean, it just blows my mind that people behave this way. (SLIDESHOW: 60 Times Abigail Ratchford Wore Almost Nothing)

As I’ve said before and as I’ll say again, if you find yourself fighting at a sporting event, then you deserve what’s coming.

You 100% deserve to be arrested, and I hope these clowns were.

Drink a beer, relax and enjoy your time. Don’t punch people in the face. It’s not that hard to figure out.